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DvdpScheduler 3.1.2 Just a minor bug fix. Probably not something that would affect most users. The full story - in case anyone is interested:
One of the drawbacks with the old DvdpScheduler (previous to v. 3) was that you couldn't start it at Windows startup without losing the connection to HTTPJolie, because DVD Profiler needed to be started before DvdpScheduler. That was one of the things I wanted to change in version 3.
So, the idea was that I don't check for HTTPJolie until an event is actually run. And when that happens I also check that DVD Profiler is running, and if it isn't I start it and wait for it to load before I run the event.
Well, I got that half right. If DVD Profiler isn't running at the time of an event, I start it and check that the relevant version of HTTPJolie is available. So far, so good. But, what I missed was that if DVD Profiler was actually running, I didn't check that HTTPJolie was available and was the relevant version (in this case 1.27 or later).
So this has been corrected in version 3.1.2. Fascinating, right?  | Posted: Topic Replies: 50, Topic Views: 33086 |
DvdpScheduler 3.1.0
Added Database Repair as a selectable task (Basic or Full repair). This task will close DVD Profiler, run the repair utility, and then restart DVD Profiler. | Posted: Topic Replies: 50, Topic Views: 33086 |
Title capitalization is, of course, used mostly for English. Unfortunately it is not possible for my program to distinguish between languages, so you'll have to ignore entries for other languages.
If you have a lot of non-English titles, filtering before exporting may help. In DVD Profiler's General Filters you can filter on both Locality and Country of Origin. Unfortunately you can't mix and-logic and or-logic there, so you may have to do it more than once. (Or you could use ProfilerQuery and save a flag-set.) | Posted: Topic Replies: 13, Topic Views: 3108 |
I guess this tool is pretty much obsolete now that you can have CapitalizationCheck. But if you want to use it, I have updated it with the same capitalization logic that is used in CapitalizationCheck.
ClipCapitalizer 1.0.2 | Posted: Topic Replies: 2, Topic Views: 2328 |
This tool will show Titles, Original Titles and Rating Details that mat be incorrectly capitalized in your collection.
It can show you the possible incorrectwords:

Or it can show you how it thinks it should be capitalized:

When you double click on an entry, the profile in question will be selected in DVD Profiler. In addition, you have some options:

Easiest option is to check both Open profile for editing and Update fields automatically, but it's up to you how you chose to use the program.
CapitalizationCheck 1.0.0 | Posted: Topic Replies: 13, Topic Views: 3108 |
Quoting rdodolak:
Quote: I'm not sure we can assume that as Ken specifically mentioned "joining words" which "Off" is not. I stand by my belief that this phrase was a remnant of an early version of the rules, and that it may have been overlooked when the Title capitalization rule was refined. If it was that important to Ken that a different capitalization rule was needed for for capitalizing Rating Details, then I think that he would have made that rule a lot clearer. "Such as" and "etc" makes it very vague. But unless someone from Invelos steps up an clarifies thing - which seems highly unlikely - I guess we can never be 100% sure. | Posted: Topic Replies: 23, Topic Views: 8772 |
A change in the common name thread caused the program to fail when trying to parse that thread. This has been fixed. CommonNameScanner 1.1.2 | Posted: Topic Replies: 12, Topic Views: 12739 |
Quoting Nexus the Sixth:
Quote: So how then is this ”a tricky one” ?
Unfortunately very many covers break conventions because they want the title to stand out. My bad, I should perhaps have said "a tricky situation". I did not mean this cover in particular, but the fact that sometimes titles on the cover are not formatted per AP standards, of which this cover is an example. | Posted: Topic Replies: 6, Topic Views: 3542 |
Obviously we wouldn't let a single cover decide how specific words or titles in general are capitalized. The question is if we should follow the capitalization of those covers that don't match the rules.
My personal opinion is that we should follow the rules except when the titles breaks convention on purpose, like ”eXistenZ” or ”xXx”. | Posted: Topic Replies: 6, Topic Views: 3542 |
Here is a tricky one:

The cover says "A Room with a view", Ken's capitalization tool says "A Room With a View". Which capitalization should we use? Does the cover capitalization override the rules? | Posted: Topic Replies: 6, Topic Views: 3542 |
Quoting ObiKen:
Quote: If the Rating Details rule is followed literally then it also includes conjunctions such as [although, before, after, because, how, once, since, that, unless, until, when] as being in lower case because they are all joining words.
Was that the rules intention? I highly doubt that. My guess would be that Ken wanted the Rating Details to mimic the capitalization that is often used in US Rating Details (but not in UK ones), for consistency. Not sure what rules studios followed when doing Rating Details, but likely one of the Title Capitalization rules. | Posted: Topic Replies: 23, Topic Views: 8772 |
Quoting rdodolak:
Quote: Ok, but that would be for titles. Why apply it to the rating details when the guidelines state:
Quote: For English profiles, capitalize all words except joining words such as "of", "the", "a", "in", etc." I seriously doubt that Ken actually intended that different capitalization rules should apply to Titles and Rating Details.
The rule for Rating Details is vague: capitalize all words except joining words such as "of", "the", "a", "in", etc.
My guess would be that the Titles rule started out equally vague, and then Ken decided to make it clearer by introducing the capitalization tool, but he neglected to clarify that the Rating Details should follow the same rule. | Posted: Topic Replies: 23, Topic Views: 8772 |
By the way, Ken's tool has a quirk that doesn't seem to jell with AP rules:
it is a far-fetched idea converts to It Is a Far-Fetched Idea
However it is a Far-fetched idea converts to It Is a Far-fetched Idea
So, hyphenated words are converted differently depending on if the first part is already hyphenated. Weird! Not sure if I should embrace that...?
However, it looks like the AP rules would mean that the movie title "Gas-s-s-s" should be "Gas-S-S-S".  | Posted: Topic Replies: 23, Topic Views: 8772 |
Quoting ObiKen:
Quote: Here's others to add to the list:
out per pro qua via
I would also check whether the word is preceded by other characters, such as parenthesis or brackets, as this may result in the capitalization of the words before and after the character. If a comma precedes these special characters then it may only capitalise the following word. That is my observation, for what its worth. Thank you! I already had "out", but I'm adding the rest. The word "qua" was new to me, I must admit. I had to look it up. | Posted: Topic Replies: 23, Topic Views: 8772 |
Quoting paulb_99:
Quote: Geweld, angst is Dutch, while these word also appear to be German as well in the context of rating details i don’t think they are used in German ratings as such,
Dutch Rating details have Geweld, Angst, Discriminatie, Grof Taalgebruik, Seks and Roken, Alcohol en Drugs (used to be Alcohol en Drugs Misbruik if i recall correctly). But does Dutch do title capitalization? No matter, the program will do title capitalization by the English rules. I guess the user will have to decide if it is applicable to any other language. | Posted: Topic Replies: 23, Topic Views: 8772 |
Quoting Kishiro:
Quote: I can only see two words missing; 'so' and 'yet' (as mentioned by ObiKen). Sorry, forgot to comment on this before. I have added "so". Thanks for the heads up!
I am now up to this: a, aka, an, and, as, at, but, by, de, for, in, nor, of, off, on, or, out, so, to, the, up, vs, yet All these have been verified in Invelos' capitalization tool.
If anyone can think of any other joining words that are missing, please let me know. | Posted: Topic Replies: 23, Topic Views: 8772 |
Quoting movie_madness:
Quote: Also, the first word after a colon or dash must be capitalized even if it is otherwise in lower case. E.g.:
Correct: Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home Incorrect: Star Trek 4: the Voyage Home. Yes, I'm handling colon. I hadn't thought of dash. Making a note of that. Thanks!
Edit: I think you meant hyphen rather than dash. It seems you can't use dash (en dash or em dash) in titles or rating details. We sometimes refer to a hyphen as a dash, but that is technically incorrect, afaik. | Posted: Topic Replies: 23, Topic Views: 8772 |
Quoting rdodolak:
Quote: Why would "Off" be lower case for rating details since the guidelines state "For English profiles, capitalize all words except joining words"? I don't know, but that's how Ken's capitalization tool does it, so I follow suit. | Posted: Topic Replies: 23, Topic Views: 8772 |
Title capitalization seems to be used in English only.
It is a problem in capitalization tools, because it is so hard to detect what language a short string is in. I have tested a couple of language detection controls, but they are way too incorrect for this purpose.
I am working on a tool that will let you check all titles, original titles and rating details in your collection. It'll show incorrect results for non-English entries, but that's something we will have to live with (and ignore).
Here's a preview, showing incorrectly capitalized words:
 Obviously "Geweld, angst" is German and should not be title capitalized, but what can I do? Checking locality and/or CoO is also too much hit-or-miss.
Anyway, for English I think I am close to the results that the title capitalization tool show. At least I haven't noticed any obvious mistakes. But it's really hard to be sure. | Posted: Topic Replies: 23, Topic Views: 8772 |
There's an oddity in Invelos' capitalization tool. If you enter a title in all caps, it only changes those special words.
BATTLE FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES is changed to BATTLE for the PLANET of the APES rather than Battle for the Planet of the Apes
That seems a bit weird to me. | Posted: Topic Replies: 23, Topic Views: 8772 |
Quoting ObiKen:
Quote: What about these word examples, they stay lower case using the Invelos capitalization tool: • yet • aka ("also known as" ) I actually realized "aka" when testing, but I would not have guessed "yet". Thanks for that!
I'm a little surprised that the capitalization tool capitalizes "From" and "With". There are a lot of titles in the database where those are not capitalized. | Posted: Topic Replies: 23, Topic Views: 8772 |
Another thing; I seem to recall having read long ago that Invelos' title filter (on contribution) doesn't exactly match the Capitalization Tool that is found in the rules. Does anyone know if that actually is the case, and if so what the difference is? | Posted: Topic Replies: 23, Topic Views: 8772 |
I am a bit uncertain of the title capitalization rules that should be followed in DVD Profiler. There seems to be a lot of different rules out there, so it's not entirely clear to me which to apply.
Here is what I am trying to do now (when updating ClipCapitalizer):
- Always capitalize the first and last word. - Keep the following words in lower case (unless first or last): a, an, and, as, at, but, by, for, in, nor, of, off, on, or, out, to, the, up, vs
Have I missed anything?
Edit: I see that in the rules it says AP style. That doesn't help me much though. So any thoughts are welcome. | Posted: Topic Replies: 23, Topic Views: 8772 |
Some intensive use revealed a couple of sneaky, but seldom occurring problems. Hopefully fixed now in version 1.0.1
A tip: If you want to fix incorrectly capitalized Rating Details, have ClipCapitalizer running, put the cursor in the Rating Details field and hit Ctrl-acv. Done! Very useful if you have several profiles to fix. | Posted: Topic Replies: 2, Topic Views: 2328 |
Quoting nanoron:
Quote: If you are worried about them going belly up, I believe you can export your My Movies database as XML or CSV, which should allow you to move to yet another app. Can you export even if the site is down, though? You could make sure that you always have an up-to-date export, but few people are that anticipatory. | Posted: Topic Replies: 92, Topic Views: 21891 |