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Invelos Forums->Posts by GSyren Page: 1... 4 5 6 7 8 ...10  Previous   Next
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Quoting mediadogg:
Bottom line is that we are clearly being left in the dark on purpose, but we are also being supported, at significant cost, also on purpose. And for the latter, I am grateful.

Yeah, I agree. Some people have suggested that maybe Ken just got tired of DVD Profiler and left without a word. I don't believe that for a second. My initial thought was that maybe it was a legal thing. Now I lean more towards Ken being physically unable to continue for whatever reason. I don't know why the site is still up and running, but like you I am grateful that it is.
Topic Replies: 92, Topic Views: 21906
Yep, updated to iPadOS 18 and the app seems to work just the same as it did before.

iPadOS itself, on the other hand, seems a bit buggy. Works with a few bugs on Ipad Air, but iPad pro seems to have bigger problems. Probably a good idea to hold off until 18.1.
Topic Replies: 14, Topic Views: 5392
This is a specialized tool that I wrote when I started to update British releases with rating details from BBFC. Its function is very simple. When you copy a string to the clipboard, this tool automatically catches it, capitalizes it according to the rules, and then re-pastes on the clipboard. The result - when you copy something and then paste it, it has automatically been properly capitalized.
You can, of course, use it to capitalize anything, not just BBFC's rating details.

The window shows the capitalized string, if you want to verify it before pasting.
Or you can minimize it and just trust it to do its job ...

There is no help file, but all details are available at the download page.
Topic Replies: 2, Topic Views: 2334
Quoting nanoron:
Does Lowpro's comment  "My Movies v5 and higher went to a mandatory sync model" mean they store your database online instead of locally? If so, what's wrong with that?

It means that one would be totally at the mercy of MyMovies online database being available. There would be no way to use the program at all if it went offline.
Topic Replies: 92, Topic Views: 21906
I think that mediadogg has explained quite well why writing a DVD Profiler replacement would be a momentous task. But there is another thing that he touched upon, but didn't really highlight. Unlike programs like PKZIP and VLCPlayer, DVD Profiler is not just a stand-alone program, it also features an intricate background system and server storage. This is not something that a voluntary group of programmers can manage. It takes money, and a business to set it up.

Would it help if DVD Profiler was made open source? I'm not sure. It is written in Delphi, and that's not a very popular language nowadays, I believe. Open access to Invelos' database would have been nice, but  that would still be dependent on Invelos' website remaining available.
Topic Replies: 92, Topic Views: 21906
Quoting Lowpro:
My Movies v5 and higher went to a mandatory sync model.

Ouch! That was not the case when I tested it quite some time ago. I don't like that. And I don't like Collectorz. So what can be my backup plan if I do have to abandon Profiler in the future? 
Topic Replies: 92, Topic Views: 21906
I admit defeat. I have withdrawn those contributions.
Topic Replies: 10, Topic Views: 5498
We don't include additional for anything else, so why should we include Additional Visual Effects?
Topic Replies: 5, Topic Views: 3822
Quoting Nexus the Sixth:
I see no problem entering it as it is. No need to consult other sources when its plainly written on the cover.

Yes, it is plainly written, but does that make it Rating Details? If it is not in this format, do we take other descriptions that is plainly written on the back cover as Rating Details? Where do we draw the line?

Does this "reflect BBFC rating info given at the time of release"? How do we know? This is obviously something that is written by a third party, probably someone at the media company. Is this really what Ken intended by Rating Details? Shouldn't Rating Details be defined by someone who has intimate knowledge of BBFC:s decision making, i.e. someone at BBFC?
Topic Replies: 10, Topic Views: 5498
Needless to say, if the majority thinks that I'm in the wrong, then I will withdraw my contributions.
Topic Replies: 10, Topic Views: 5498
Please see my new poll.
Topic Replies: 12, Topic Views: 6557
I seem to have stepped into a hornets nest here. It regards entries like this:

My view is that Rating Details should be the details supplied by the rating agency (in this case BBFC) together with the rating. So I have replaced texts like this with the actual wording on the BBFC website, if available.

The data in the illustration is said by some to "reflect BBFC rating info given at the time of release". But that's subjective. The fact is that it is not data supplied by BBFC. If it is not supplied by BBFC, then it is simply a product description, not a rating detail. That's how I feel.

What say you?
Topic Replies: 10, Topic Views: 5498
I don't know if this is something that anybody is interested in, but anyway ...

When I looked into adding a new command type into DvdpScheduler I realized that the code was really badly structured, so I decided to rewrite it from scratch. At the same time I added some improvements, the most significant of which is that all tasks are now run on background threads so that the program does not become unresponsive while a task is run.

I also decided to make the user interface a lot more compact, and not open additional windows when adding events and tasks. I decided to only use HTTPJolie for integration with DVD Profiler, since sending keystrokes between applications is a lot less stable. So you do need HTTPJolie for this one.

DvdpScheduler 3.0

PS DvdpScheduler 2.7 is still available for those who prefer that one.
Topic Replies: 50, Topic Views: 33089
The rules say "enter rating details". These are not rating details. They are rating definitions. So, as I see it, they are not allowed by the rules.
Topic Replies: 12, Topic Views: 6557
I see this type of text entered as Rating Details in many British releases:

But isn't that just the definition of PG in Britain? Rating Details are supposed to be specific details for the title in question, not just a generic definition, right?

So, should this type of text be accepted as Rating Details?
Topic Replies: 12, Topic Views: 6557
Quoting jschumann:
Which My Movies are we talking about?  The My Movies by Blue ray or  Mu Movies 4 by Binnerup?

The latter.
Topic Replies: 92, Topic Views: 21906
Quoting PWolverine:
Personally i'm sticking with DVDProfiler as long as I can, nothing so far comes close to it.

That's how I feel as well. And if I eventually have to migrate to another app, it will probably be My Movies. But hopefully that decision is far in the future ...
Topic Replies: 92, Topic Views: 21906
See this thread.
Topic Replies: 1, Topic Views: 1756
First of all, this is a user contributed database, so the title you are looking for may not have been contributed yet.

Secondly, if it has been contributed, see this thread.
Topic Replies: 1, Topic Views: 2374
Good luck with your mission! If you come up with something I hope you share it with the community.
Topic Replies: 9, Topic Views: 6773
A possible solution may be to access your online collection using a browser on your phone. This could let you use the browser's Find function to check if you own a specific title. Clunky perhaps, but it should be doable. You could try it and see if it seems practical.
Topic Replies: 9, Topic Views: 6773
It seems unlikely that there will be any new releases or any feedback, based on many years of silence (with the notable exception of the post about the server update).

Sad to say, if a phone app is an absolute must for you, then you probably should look for another product. I have discussed a couple of them in this thread.
Topic Replies: 9, Topic Views: 6773
Quoting nanoron:
While I understand the first two, please explain your "remote connection" comment. I know how to do that with my iPad but how do I do that with another PC?

If I remember correctly you use File / Open Database and click Select Shared and go from there.
Topic Replies: 9, Topic Views: 5858
See this thread.
Topic Replies: 1, Topic Views: 2665
Quoting Jack56fr:
Please, Invelos, answer to us to say yes or no to create this update.

If not, thanks to give us a compatible software not to lost all our  databases

I'm afraid that it is unlikely that we'll ever see any updates to any of Invelos' products. So if a phone app is important to you, then you'll have to look for something else.

There are no apps that can access Invelos' online database. There are, however, PC programs that can import your collection, and that also have phone apps. Some of them have been discussed in the thread Alternatives to DVD Profiler?
Topic Replies: 14, Topic Views: 16117
Invelos Forums->Posts by GSyren Page: 1... 4 5 6 7 8 ...10  Previous   Next