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Invelos Forums->Posts by ObiKen Page: 1 2  Previous   Next
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Version 2.0.3 gets an A+ mark from me, so you can safely go back to the front row of the classroom 
Topic Replies: 10, Topic Views: 3583
UPC was 5055761913002

The help file stated to just copy/paste the UPC, whereas, I manually entered the UPC into the top box and pressed the enter key.
Topic Replies: 10, Topic Views: 3583
The restored help file in 2.0.2 couldn't help me on the following problem.

When I click the fetch box, I get the following error message:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
  at ContribLookupPlus.ucContrib.btn_Click(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) in C:\Users\gsyre\OneDrive\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\ContribLookupPlus\ContribLookupPlus\ucContrib.xaml.vb:line 58

I am running the program on Windows 11 (24H2).
Topic Replies: 10, Topic Views: 3583
Is the help file missing in the 2.0.1 release?
Topic Replies: 10, Topic Views: 3583
Quoting GSyren:
Quoting ObiKen:
Seems to me the Invelos title tool is treating the colon as a continuation mark in the title, so the preceding word is no longer the last word in the title.

Ah, I see what you mean. I guess I'm making the same mistake. I considered everything in the title field to be a single title. So, if I understand you correctly, for capitalization purposes anything followed by a colon should be capitalized as if it were a last word?

I think it should be anything following a colon will be treated as a new title (with first and last words capitalized). If there are multiple colons, then there will be multiple titles to be capitalized. The first and last word in each title should always be capitalized.

However, the Invelos title tool does not follow this rule absolutely for the last word in each title. If the last word is in your list of uncapitalized words and is followed by a colon, it will be uncapitalized by the tool.

Let me demonstrate with this made-up example where the words (by, and, the, out) from your list of uncapitalized words are used:

The front cover displays the title over multiple lines
        As Time Goes By                    <== this is the primary title
The Complete Series Four and Out    <== this is a subordinate title
        And No Way Out                      <== this is a subordinate title

The rules state we use a colon and space for separate lines in the cover title, thus we enter the three titles as one title:
  As Time Goes By: The Complete Series Four and Out: And No Way Out

On the other hand, the invelos title tool displays:
  As Time Goes by: The Complete Series Four and out: And No Way Out

Note how the word (and, out) is uncapitalized in the second title line but are capitalized in the third title line.

Had Invelos stipulated we use for line separators a semi-colon or hyphen, the result from the Invelos title tool would look as follows:
•  As Time Goes By; The Complete Series Four and Out; And No Way Out
•  As Time Goes By - The Complete Series Four and Out - And No Way Out

In summary, I believe the Invelos title tool uses the colon to demarcate subordinate titles, but comes unstuck when one of the words in your uncapitalized word list is a last word in a title followed by a colon, in which case, the tool leaves it as uncaptalized (when it should be capitalized).

That is why I asked whether it was possible to capitalize the words in your list when it was followed by a colon (to ensure the last word in a title was always capitalized).

Hope that provided more clarity on the matter.

PS: Just saw your latest software update in response to my request, ta. At least I have provided more detail into the background of the issue.
Topic Replies: 13, Topic Views: 3028
Quoting GSyren:
I'm not 100% sure if I take colon into consideration, but the main problem with "As Time Goes By" is that "by" is (incorrectly) listed in the settings among the words that should not be capitalized. My mistake.

There was no mistake made, its the Invelos title tool that is misinterpreting the title capitalization when a colon is present in the title.

Your list of uncapitalized words are accurate, they are indeed not capitalised when embedded within a movie/TV title, as long as it is not the first or last word in a title (which are always capitalized).

The problem with the Invelos title tool is that it treats the title name and title name: differently when the word before the colon is in your list of uncapitalized words.

For example:

"as time goes by"  ==> As Time Goes By
"as time goes by:" ==> As Time Goes by:      <== any last word IN the list are uncapitalized

If I switch the last two words:
"as time by goes"  ==> As Time by Goes
"as time by goes:" ==> As Time by Goes:      <== any last word NOT in the list are capitalized

Seems to me the Invelos title tool is treating the colon as a continuation mark in the title, so the preceding word is no longer the last word in the title.

Is it possible to capitalize the words in the list when followed by a colon?
Topic Replies: 13, Topic Views: 3028
Very handy tool, thank you.

I was just wondering, with regards to the list of words that will not be capitalized, did you consider the case when those words were followed by a colon?

For example, in the screenshots above, the TV series "As Time Goes By: ..." is listed as incorrect.

I realise the program is following the Invelos title tool results, but the colon is typically not present on the cover, rather, it is the title followed by a descriptor on another line (and we separate them by a colon and space in the title field, as per rules).

The use of a colon makes the descriptor a subordinate title, however, the Invelos title tool cannot distinguish the primary title from the subordinate title. Had the rules stipulated we use a hyphen, semi-colon or parenthesis as the line separator, the Invelos title tool would be able to capitalize the primary title correctly.

For the exclusive list of words not to be capitalized, is it possible to capitalize these words if it precedes a colon (on the presumption it is the last word of the primary title)?
Topic Replies: 13, Topic Views: 3028
Thanks for your explanation.

I'm still not sure why these titles for LUKE HANSON were not considered:
• Bergerac

• The Quatermass Conclusion
  This was a feature film (re-edited version of the Quatermass TV Series: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0823523/).
Topic Replies: 14, Topic Views: 2420
Quoting Mad Rockatansky:
Quoting Mad Rockatansky:

Jean Louis (1907–1997)

Costume Designer, Wardrobe Dept.
Know for: From Here to Eternity (1953), Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967)

Jean Louis (????)

Know for: L'insegnante viene a casa (1978), La poliziotta a New York (1981)

Jean Louis (????-2020)

Know for: Operazione San Gennaro (1966), Continuavano a chiamarlo Trinità (1971)

Added a third person to the name list.
Unfortunately for now, only the date of death is known.

The IMDB link for the third person (actor) now shows (1934-2020).
Topic Replies: 5803, Topic Views: 400434
I was just wondering:

• Should the following titles be listed under LUKE HANSON?
1990: The Complete Collection
Armchair Thriller: The Complete Series
Bergerac: The Complete Eighth Series
The Quatermass Conclusion

• Should the following titles be listed under HANS DE VRIES?
Maigret: Season 4
Maigret: The Complete Series
Man in a Suitcase: The Complete Series
Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased): The Complete Series
Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased): The Complete Collection
The Saint: The Complete Colour Episodes
Simon Templar: Collector's Box I
UFO: The Complete Series
UFO: The Complete SHADO File
Topic Replies: 14, Topic Views: 2420
Shalako ==> HANS DE VRIES
Topic Replies: 14, Topic Views: 2420
Confirmed from opening credits:
NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service: Season 3 (3.9) ==> Elizabeth Bennett
Topic Replies: 3, Topic Views: 2232
1969???? I don't think Hollywood has stooped that low to be using 14 year-olds to executive produce a movie.
Topic Replies: 6, Topic Views: 7199
Quoting ralf.ramge:

the affected release is UPC 9-337369-042909, "Tales of Adventure - Collection 4", released on 9/24/2024 by Imprint.

I can't find it online in the pending updates database, and yes, I updated the online profile list using the CTRL key.

Anyone have an  idea?

Thanks :-)

I submitted the parent profile for the box set on 11th November, so please be patient. It will probably take 2-3 weeks before it is approved/released. I am also in the process of submitting all seven child profiles (with corresponding bonus feature films). It's a big job, particularly tracking down and verifying all cast role names for each serial (there were no standard cast credits).
Topic Replies: 3, Topic Views: 2276
If the Rating Details rule is followed literally then it also includes conjunctions such as [although, before, after, because, how, once, since, that, unless, until, when] as being in lower case because they are all joining words.

Was that the rules intention?
Topic Replies: 23, Topic Views: 8722
Here's others to add to the list:


I would also check whether the word is preceded by other characters, such as parenthesis or brackets, as this may result in the capitalization of the words before and after the character. If a comma precedes these special characters then it may only capitalise the following word. That is my observation, for what its worth.
Topic Replies: 23, Topic Views: 8722
Quoting GSyren:
I am a bit uncertain of the title capitalization rules that should be followed in DVD Profiler. There seems to be a lot of different rules out there, so it's not entirely clear to me which to apply.

Here is what I am trying to do now (when updating ClipCapitalizer):

- Always capitalize the first and last word.
- Keep the following words in lower case (unless first or last):
a, an, and, as, at, but, by, for, in, nor, of, off, on, or, out, to, the, up, vs

Have I missed anything?

Edit: I see that in the rules it says AP style. That doesn't help me much though. So any thoughts are welcome.

What about these word examples, they stay lower case using the Invelos capitalization tool:
• yet
• aka ("also known as" )
Topic Replies: 23, Topic Views: 8722
Quoting GSyren:
The rules say "enter rating details". These are not rating details. They are rating definitions. So, as I see it, they are not allowed by the rules.

The PG rating definition does not provide information on exactly why a film received a PG rating, rather, it is the content advice (that is, the rating details) provided by the BBFC: https://www.bbfc.co.uk/rating/PG

Under section titled "How can I find out more about a specific film?", BBFC states:
"Please check the content advice for the film or video you are thinking of watching. Content advice is available on this website, on our free App, as well as on film posters, DVD and Blu-ray packaging, and on some listings."

The BBFC Classification Guidelines state content advice includes:
• short description of the issues contained in the film or the episodic content.
• an extended version, designed for people who want a more detailed idea of the issues.

Personally, I would double-check the BBFC web site for the title concerned and confirm whether there was no content advice provided.
Topic Replies: 12, Topic Views: 6512
Just for completeness, there is another variation of the name:

William Mc Caughey ==> The Goodbye Girl, The Chicken Chronicles.

Here is the end credit for "The Goodbye Girl" which show his credit (at 1:31 mark) as "William Mc Caughey, C.A.S.":

In addition, there are five profiles for "The Goodbye Girl" in the online database, with four out of five profiles with "credited as" [William Mc Caughey]:

==> William McCaughey [William Mc Caughey]
5-051893-024180 (Spain)
012569-504820 (United States)
883929-155392 (United States)
888574-453145 (United States)

==> William McCaughey
FC30-8627-022A-0CFB (Canada)
Topic Replies: 40, Topic Views: 11190
I have not voted yet because, whilst I agree that the rules do not prohibit the entry of cast extras, I don't want to add potentially 300+ credited cast extras in a profile (for example, a crowd-funded movie with FAN EXTRAS).

And yes, the fan extras did receive group role names, such as:
- Eaten by a Dinosaur
- Killed by Dinosaur in Close-Up
- Killed by a Dinosaur
- Flee from Dinosaur Attack
- Evil Reptilians
and so on.

Or do we exclude FAN EXTRAS from this poll (a fan was just an ordinary citizen, not an actor)?
Topic Replies: 6, Topic Views: 4081
Quoting ObiKen:
"48 HRS." is a registered trade mark by Paramount Pictures Corporation:

Here is a specimen example from the trademark registration:

Please note the title for the sequel is displayed as "Another 48 HRS."

Updated the links to the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
Topic Replies: 4, Topic Views: 6694
Suggest you edit yor contribution and add the following 4K review for verification in the accuracy of your scans:


Key time stamps are:
0:16 (front cover)
0:20 (back cover)
0:26 (front and back cover)
1:00 (back cover)
1:20 (front cover)
Topic Replies: 7, Topic Views: 5469
I don't own the package (715515-297219), however, here are my thoughts:

Yes, it is frustrating, so I would suggest you protect your work investment by bullet-proofing the submission.

As a double-check, I always view the covers in outdoor lighting to get a proper gauge of the colors and contrast, as indoor lighting can give a false impression.

From my experience, writing "adding front and back covers" is not enough ammunition to support the replacement of existing scans.

If the existing cover(s) is web artwork, state it in the submission, for example:
"Replaced existing web artwork (front and back the same) with high resolution scans of actual covers"

If the color, contrast, black-level, white-level, shadow detail, is wrong, state it in the submission and highlight key deficiencies to make it easier for readers to understand why you made the change, for example:

"Current scans exhibit a green cast with inaccurate skin tones and blacks looking like charcoal. The new scans provide more accurate colors, contrast and black-levels, that remediate these issues."

"Existing scans display inaccurate colours (note the green in the title on the front cover and picture borders on the back cover, it should be a darker Army green).  Also note the washed-out shadow detail on the front cover (missing details in background mountain range).  New high resolution scans of front and back covers with more accurate colours and contrast remediating these issues are submitted for approval."

Hope that helps.
Topic Replies: 7, Topic Views: 5469
Here are two potential remedies gleaned from past forum discussions on the matter:

Option 1:
Right click the DVDP icon and select "Run as Administrator", click YES option.


Option 2:
Double click the DVDP icon and press the CTRL key down and keep it down until a "Selective Startup" box appears.
Select "Diagnostic Startup" and click OK.

Hope that helps.
Topic Replies: 10, Topic Views: 9129
Quoting Lithurge:
Quoting GreyHulk:
Quoting ObiKen:
My understanding is the rule for country of origin states to use the production companies in the order they appear in the credits.

Yet, in this case, they are clearly in the wrong order in the credits.

And hasn't it always been the case we follow the rules regardless?

Clearly the film makers thought this was the correct order, regardless of profiler rules or wikipedia.

This is my understanding:

The multilateral "Co-Production" credit in Casino Royale (2006) was a requirement of Article 12 in the "European Convention on Cinematographic Co-Production": https://www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/text/502395

Article 2 in the convention states a co-production must comprise of at least three (3) co-production companies from three signatory countries of the convention. In addition, a fourth party that is NOT a signatory country of the convention may be added, as long as their contribution is kept below 30% of the film's production cost.

So when I see the credit "A UK - Czech - Ger - US Co-Production", I see the three signatory countries of the convention listed first followed by the non-signatory country.

On the other hand, the listing of production company names in the film's opening/end credits was the sole responsibility of the producer(s), not the "European Convention on Cinematographic Co-Production".

Hope that explains the discrepancy.
Topic Replies: 13, Topic Views: 12579
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