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Invelos Forums->Posts by mediadogg Page: 1 2 3 4  Previous   Next
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There are other methods of database recovery. The one that Ken usually recommended is as follows:

(1) Open a new empty database
(2) Restore your latest backup into the clean database
(3) Run database repair
(4) Backup

You should be Ok
Topic Replies: 10, Topic Views: 9130
I like the advice given by ObiKen and if necessary follow with GSyren's. Report after that, and we can go from there. Quickest way to eliminate hardware issues is to temporarily install on a different machine if possible.
Topic Replies: 10, Topic Views: 9130
Let's for a moment put aside the issue of DVD Profiler's long term viability. To understand why the function you desire is not in the product, please read the contribution rules. Very briefly, they prohibit the copying of data from other sources without explicit verification by actually watching the movie and / or the credits as displayed in the movie. There are rules about what can be copied from the DVD container, and in some cases, from which side of the container.

That being the case, of course you can put into DVD Profiler whatever you want. You just are not allowed to contribute data that has not been gathered and validated per the rules.

See the "plugins" being offered. Some of them include ways to import other databases (may be obsolete) or derive cast and crew information from IMDB.

This community has always attempted to respect the rules and Copyrights of DVD Profiler and any other programs that we use. My words have not been an attempt to preach; rather to help you understand the context of the limitations that you have noted in your post.
Topic Replies: 3, Topic Views: 3292
Quoting mreeder50:
I am so sorry about this, but every time there is an update, I can't figure out how to download it.

I think it is my fault. I keep forgetting to update the download date cutoff. The eCommerce store that I use, does not make it easy for me to indicate "unlimited". I have to run a SQL scripit, and I usually forget, so no problem. Every now and then I just delete the duplicate orders from the database.
Topic Replies: 113, Topic Views: 33333
Quoting undertaker88:
I also went to MyMovie.
I used the import but it did not work 100%

Given the ease of building the collection with the phone scan, I scanned my entire collection.
This allowed me to validate certain editions and see certain duplicates that I had forgotten.

MyMovie's database is much better than DVDPofiler, I had more than 99% recognition, even on little-known films and editions.
My collection is 95% French edition out of 2500 references.

And with the phone in my pocket I can check in a few seconds, in stores, if I'm buying a film that I already own.

I got this from right-click Translate to English. Amazing. And good work to you. Your comments are very helpful.
Topic Replies: 92, Topic Views: 21842
Quoting nanoron:
I generally agree with you but since I primarily use my iPad at home and my iPhone while shopping, I have little choice but to search for a potential alternative iOS app. I'll keep using DVD Profiler as long as it keeps working in iOS, but I'm not willing to bet the farm that it is still usable after the iOS 18 upgrade. In addition, since Invelos recently screwed up syncing iOS devices to the online database, I worry that Invelos might also screw up syncing iOS devices to the PC version.
On a related note, by working with the other iOS app developers who want to court DVD Profiler users, we have a chance they will change their apps so as to make them more attractive to us. For example, MyMovies modified their import function.

Thanks for your mature approach and conscientious efforts.
Topic Replies: 92, Topic Views: 21842
Your enthusiasm is to be applauded. But you should know that this topic has been hashed about over and over through the years. You might find interesting discussions using the search tool. And I personally have experienced the issues with data model differences first hand, while wring import code in the other direction - bringing other program export files into Profiler, for my plugin BulkEdit.

I have yet to find a program with so few bugs as DVD Profiler, given that all development and support has been dormant for years now. You don't realize just how much thought went into its incredible design. Most people use only a fraction of its features. On top of the default platform, there is a sophisticated plugin mechanism that allows a programmer to make virtually unlimited extensions, including the ability to add new fields to the database, and to augment the UI. All with database synchronization across multiple platforms.

That's why this ship keeps plowing ahead, dodging all sorts of torpedoes. I bring this up, as a reminder that simply importing the database is only the tip of the iceberg as far as replacing DVD Profiler goes.

Some things in this world got done right. The B52 and DVD Profiler are two of them. Both are still flying, but alas I do understand what lies ahead.
Topic Replies: 92, Topic Views: 21842
Quoting nanoron:
That sounds pretty desperate. Better to find a friend with a PC that will download DVD Profiler for you.

Whatever works for you. That was the whole point of my post. To trigger some thoughts about alternate solutions.
Topic Replies: 92, Topic Views: 21842
Thinking out of the box:

IF you are a user that is "stuck" with no way to upload from iOS, AND are willing to "pay a modest fee for that.," consider this outlandish alternative:

Purchase (or get for free) an ancient windows tablet or laptop for the sole express purpose of hosting Windows DVD Profiler and a local copy of your database that can be exchanged between iOS and / or the online. That is, if you know enough about windows to use it for that purpose.
Topic Replies: 92, Topic Views: 21842
Now that was a professional response. Details on exactly what they do. No politics. 
Topic Replies: 92, Topic Views: 21842
Also, I encourage all, including MY Moves staff, to heed the following requirements posted as part of the Profiler XML Export process:

"In order to use the Export Profile Database function, you must
accept the following usage policy by clicking on the Accept button
below.  If you do not wish to accept the usage policy, click the
Decline button below.  By declining, you will be unable to access
this function.

The Export Profile Database function exports your collection's
information to an XML file.  The information contained in those
export files are for your personal use only and cannot be employed
for use in any other setting.

For commercial use, please send email to
commercialuse@invelos.com or click on the Commercial Use email
button below."
Topic Replies: 92, Topic Views: 21842
Quoting nanoron:
I just got this comment from My Movies relating to Mediadogg's comments:

The proof is in the pudding. So far nobody has been successful at it. So, all the boasting aside, I will believe it when I see it. I have no axe to grind.

As far as the IMDB Title ID reference, they are included on the Profile Links page. It should be relatively easy for the import program to use an internal browser to capture the IMDB ID from the HTML.

Example: Here is a Canadian release of Æon Flux. Notice the DVD Profiler profile ID in the URL.

Topic Replies: 92, Topic Views: 21842
Only other things I can suggest are:

(1) Reinstall DVD Profiler.
(2) Double check any auto fill-in software and perhaps temporarily disable them. I once had a case where my password manager was continuously wiping out a field that it recognized and caused an annoying loop in one of my applications. This could happen with any plugin, browser extension or other program that automatically fills in certain fields.
Topic Replies: 8, Topic Views: 6647
Those keys do nothing for me by the way.
Topic Replies: 8, Topic Views: 6647
Quoting Leonard Barker:
All keys seem to operate fine so no stuck keys. I tried the ctrl left shift but no effect.  I have noticed that if I
enter a letter then manually place curser behind that letter and type another letter it works. Also noticed that sometimes if I just start typing it will accept one character and then just stop.  I am running latest 4.0 software on Windows 11.

Strange as it may seem, sometimes you have to do both, in order to synchronize the device with the software. So try first doing Ctrl-Right shift, then Ctrl-Left shift. Happens a lot with computers. Example: the software says "You are saying to turn off but I'm already off, so do nothing." In that example, you would have to say "turn on" and then "turn off" to get things back in sync by sending a command to the keyboard to switch modes.
Topic Replies: 8, Topic Views: 6647
Quoting Leonard Barker:
Hey guys I seem have a strange issue.  Have not tried to search by title for a long time and tried today when
I type a word in it is entered backward like Space comes out ecapS.  Anyone else run into this, have not changed software in several years so not that.

Possibly a stuck key on the keyboard? Using a very slightly damp soft cloth, holding the keyboard upside down, wipe the keys gently back and forth. This will dislodge any dirt between the keys and perhaps unstick a stuck one, if that is the problem.
Topic Replies: 8, Topic Views: 6647
HTTPJolie Version 1.66 Available

This version has been tested with the latest TurboCLT of GSyren.

Connectivity has been improved thanks to the collaborative work of Gunnar and our most recent user, leperlord.

I believe that all known connectivity issues with GSyren tools have been resolved.
Topic Replies: 113, Topic Views: 33333

Topic Replies: 69, Topic Views: 18776
Was asleep at the wheel for this announcement. Congratulations to you both! 
Topic Replies: 69, Topic Views: 18776
Ah I see, I missed that point. Good luck.
Topic Replies: 92, Topic Views: 21842
What is often overlooked in these discussions is the fundamental difference between the Invelos data model and most (all?) other collection programs. DVD Profiler considers to be unique any variation of a packaged "DVD" where any one of these things are different: UPC, Locality, Country of Origin, Release date, Cast / Crew, and the list goes on. Each variation is assigned a unique profile ID and there are several ways that Profiler provides so that a user can synthesize a profile ID to accommodate almost any variation. 

So, for any given "movie" that might have only one IMDB locator, DVD Profiler could have dozens of profiles that point to that same movie.

Any import or export that overlooks this fundamental difference cannot possibly satisfy a user who expects some sort of one to one conversion. A perfect conversion in either direction will almost always require user interaction to complete the task, once the automated conversion is done.
Topic Replies: 92, Topic Views: 21842
Oh how many of us have missed this one! Clever tip.
Topic Replies: 3, Topic Views: 4445
Quoting GSyren:
Quoting mediadogg:
I think HTTPJolie passes thru the most important Events via UDP messages if you want to do something for the easy scenarios.

I don't think it passes on DVD Refreshed.

Easy to fix. Once you decide what other stuff you need added, let me know.
Topic Replies: 18, Topic Views: 17760
Just for grins, I dug up that old file and here is a list of what I was trying to capture. Maybe not necessary.

I saw some other code that was trying to automatically capture when certain cast / crew changes were being made. I don't remember why I thought that was necessary.

                    case ((int)PluginConstants.EVENTID_DVDAdded):
                    case ((int)PluginConstants.EVENTID_DVDDueDateChanged):
                    case ((int)PluginConstants.EVENTID_DVDHistoryEdited):
                    case ((int)PluginConstants.EVENTID_DVDImagesChanged):
                    case ((int)PluginConstants.EVENTID_DVDLoaned):
                    case ((int)PluginConstants.EVENTID_DVDMovedToCustom0):
                    case ((int)PluginConstants.EVENTID_DVDMovedToCustom1):
                    case ((int)PluginConstants.EVENTID_DVDMovedToCustom2):
                    case ((int)PluginConstants.EVENTID_DVDMovedToCustom3):
                    case ((int)PluginConstants.EVENTID_DVDMovedToCustom4):
                    case ((int)PluginConstants.EVENTID_DVDMovedToCustom5):
                    case ((int)PluginConstants.EVENTID_DVDMovedToCustom6):
                    case ((int)PluginConstants.EVENTID_DVDMovedToCustom7):
                    case ((int)PluginConstants.EVENTID_DVDMovedToCustom8):
                    case ((int)PluginConstants.EVENTID_DVDMovedToCustom9):
                    case ((int)PluginConstants.EVENTID_DVDMovedToOrdered):
                    case ((int)PluginConstants.EVENTID_DVDMovedToOwned):
                    case ((int)PluginConstants.EVENTID_DVDMovedToWishList):
                    case ((int)PluginConstants.EVENTID_DVDPersonalized):
                    case ((int)PluginConstants.EVENTID_DVDPersonalizedAddition):
                    case ((int)PluginConstants.EVENTID_DVDRemoved):
                    case ((int)PluginConstants.EVENTID_DVDReturned):
                    case ((int)PluginConstants.EVENTID_DVDTagsChanged):
                    case ((int)PluginConstants.EVENTID_DVDWatched):
                    case ((int)PluginConstants.EVENTID_RestoreFinished):
                    case ((int)PluginConstants.EVENTTYPE_Returned):    (Bug!!!)
                    case ((int)PluginConstants.EVENTID_DVDEditSave):
Topic Replies: 18, Topic Views: 17760
I think HTTPJolie passes thru the most important Events via UDP messages if you want to do something for the easy scenarios.
Topic Replies: 18, Topic Views: 17760
Invelos Forums->Posts by mediadogg Page: 1 2 3 4  Previous   Next